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  今天,妈妈哪都不让我去,让我在家收心、睡觉、看书。 但是我还是想出去转转,我们去超市买东西,超市的`人非常非常多。有位妈妈还把孩子给丢了,她很着急在服务台拍桌子,让不停的放广播找人。 我看她都急哭了,找不到孩子了。 出门后我要跟好妈妈,不能贪玩。

  Today, my mother didn’t let me go anywhere. She told me to stay at home, sleep and read. But I still want to go out for a walk. We go shopping in the supermarket. There are so many people in the supermarket. A mother also lost her child. She was very anxious to pat the table at the service desk and let the radio play continuously to find someone. I see she‘s crying. She can’t find the baby. After going out, I’ll have fun with my good mother.