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  今天吃完早饭,我去上奥数课,上完课后,我去市图书馆看书。那的`书真多啊。我看了《马丁早晨》和《米老鼠》。马丁的早晨的故事讲的是一个小男孩每天变成另外一个人的故事。看完书,我 去三姨家玩。我和我妹妹玩的可开心了。

  Today, after breakfast, I went to Olympic math class. After class, I went to the city library to read books. There are so many books there. I watched Martin’s morning and Mickey Mouse. The story of Martin’s morning is about a little boy becoming another person every day. After reading the book, I went to my aunt’s house to play. I had a good time with my sister.