《JAVA 2核心技术 卷Ⅰ》简介:

本书是Java技术经典参考书,多年畅销不衰,第7版在保留以前版本风格的基础上,涵盖Java2开发平台标准版J2SE5.0的基础知识,主要内容包括面各对象程序设计、反射与代理、接口与内部类、事件监听器模型、使用Swing UI工具箱进行图形用户界面设计,异常处理、流输入/输出和对象序列化、泛型程序设计等。


《JAVA 2核心技术 卷Ⅰ》摘录:

The compiler doesn’t know the exact type of the setFirst method but can call it with any object of type Manager, Employee , or Object , but not a subtype such as Executive . However, if you call getFirst , there is no guarantee about the type of the returned object. You can only assign it to an Object.