《Shoe Dog》简介:

In this candid and riveting memoir, for the first time ever, Nike founder and CEO Phil Knight shares the inside story of the company’s early days as an intrepid start-up and its evolution into one of the world’s most iconic, game-changing, and profitable brands.

In 1962, fresh out of business school, Phil Knight borrowed $50 from his father and created a company with a simple mission: import high-quality, low-cost athletic shoes from Japan. Selling the shoes from the trunk of his lime green Plymouth Valiant, Knight grossed $8,000 his first year. Today, Nike’s annual sales top $30 billion. In an age of startups, Nike is the ne plus ultra of all startups, and the swoosh has become a revolutionary, globe-spanning icon, one of the most ubiquitous and recognizable symbols in the world today.

But Knight, the man behind the swoosh, has always remained a mystery. Now, for the first time, in a memoir that is candid, humble, gutsy, and wry, he tells his story, beginning with his crossroads moment. At 24, after backpacking around the world, he decided to take the unconventional path, to start his own business—a business that would be dynamic, different.

Knight details the many risks and daunting setbacks that stood between him and his dream—along with his early triumphs. Above all, he recalls the formative relationships with his first partners and employees, a ragtag group of misfits and seekers who became a tight-knit band of brothers. Together, harnessing the transcendent power of a shared mission, and a deep belief in the spirit of sport, they built a brand that changed everything.

《Shoe Dog》摘录:

我多么希望自己能够将所有的事情重来一遍。不能做到这一点,那么我希望能和人分享经验,分享其中的起起落落;希望年轻人可以在某种程度上感受到相同的试炼和磨难,也许会受到鼓舞或抚慰,或者得到警醒;希望一些年轻企业家、运动员、画家或者小说家可以得到前进的动力。 这些都来自同样的动力,同一个梦想。 能帮助人们避开一般挫折是很好的事情。我想告诉大家要按下暂停键,花时间努力思考一下要如何度过一生,想要喝水一起度过剩余的40年。我会告诉20岁左右的青年不要因为一份工作、专业甚至职业而安定下来,一定要寻求内心的冲动。即使你不知道其中的含义,也要坚持追寻。如果你追随自己内心的冲动,将会更能忍受疲惫,每一次失望都会成为你的动力,需要攀登的高峰也会变得微不足道起来。 我想要提醒他们,那些破除陈规者、创新者和反叛者后背上都有一个靶子,他们越是成功,就越容易收到别人攻击。这并不是一家之言,而是自然规律。 我还想提醒他们,美国并不像人们想的那样是企业家的香格里拉。自由企业往往会惹怒那些只会阻挡和反对的巨人们,他们会说这样不行,抱歉,那样也不行。事实一直是如此。企业家们一直被压制,而且寡不敌众。他们需要一直努力奋斗,但是面临的都是前所未有的高山。美国已经变得不像以前那样适合企业家发展了。哈佛商学院最近的研究表明,按照企业家精神对所有国家进行排名,美国排在秘鲁之后。 那些要求企业家永不放弃的人都是一群骗子。有些时候你需要放弃。有些时候知道何时该放弃并重新尝试新事物也是一种天赋。放弃并不意味着停止。永远不要停止。 运气也起着很重要的作用。是的,我要公开承认运气的作用。运动员需要运气,诗人需要运气,做生意也需要运气。努力固然至关重要,智力和决心也很宝贵,但是有时候运气却会决定最终结果。有些人也许不会把这称为运气。他们可能把这个叫做“道”“理”“智”“法"圣灵”或“上帝”。 这样说吧,就是你越努力,你...