


The Photograph is an extended, loaded evidence-as if it caricatured not the figure of what it represents (quite the converse) but its very existence. The image, says phenomenology, is an object-as-nothing. Now, in the Photograph, what I posit is not only the absence of the object; it is also, by one and the same movement, on equal terms, the fact that this object has indeed existed and that it has been there where I see it. Here is where the madness is, for until this day no representation could assure me of the past of a thing except by intermediaries; but with the Photograph, my certainty is immediate: no one in the world can undeceive me. The Photograph then becomes a bizarre medium, a new form of hallucination: false on the level of perception, true on the level of time: a temporal hal...


1 照片的特性
2 难于归类的摄影
3 以感动为出发点
4 摄影师、幻象和看照片的人
5 被拍照的人
6 看照片的人:趣味混乱
25 “一天晚上……”
26 历史像分界线
27 辨认
28 在暖房里拍摄的照片
29 小女孩
30 阿里阿德涅
31 家庭,母亲
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