




Why, however, should cereal grains play such a massive role in the earliest states? After all, other crops, in particular legumes such as lentils, chickpeas, and peas, had been domesticated in the Middle East and, in China, taro and soybean. Why were they not the basis of state formation? More broadly, why have no 'lentil states', chickpea states, taro states, sago states, breadfruit states, yam states, cassava states, potato states, peanut states, or banana states appeared in the historical record? ... The key to the nexus between grains and states lies, I believe, in the fact that only the cereal grains and serve as a basis for taxation: visible, divisible, assessable, storable, transportable and ‘rationable’. Other crops – legumes, tubers, and starch plants – have some of these desirabl...


目 录
前 言
导 论 一个支离破碎的叙事:那些我曾一无所知的
第一章 “驯化”的长历史:从用火、栽培植物、驯养动物,最终是……人类自己
第二章 世界的地景改造:先民的农庄系统
第三章 人畜共患病:流行病的"暴风雨"
第四章 谷物立国:早期国家的农业生态
第五章 人口控制:奴役与战争
第六章 早期国家的脆弱:形为崩溃,实为解体
第七章 蛮族人的流金岁月
注 释
索 引
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