
○ 托马斯·伯恩哈德是20世纪最伟大的德语作家之一,厄普代克、卡尔维诺、桑塔格、帕慕克、耶利内克推崇的文学大师。

○ 以批判的方式关注人生和社会现实,揭示出不同于卡夫卡的荒诞与悖谬。

○ 我的生活,我的存在,都是在演戏,总是在表演给人看,从来不是我的真实生活。





We adapt ourselves to the mentality and temperament of a person like Jeannie, and for a time we take in only what this person's mentality and temperament have to offer us, and when we think we've taken in enough--when we've had enough – we simply sever the connection, just as I severed my connection with Jeannie. We spend years sucking all we can out of someone, and then, having almost sucked them dry, we suddenly say that we ourselves are being sucked dry. And for the rest of our lives we have to live with the knowledge of our own basements, I now reflected. We respect somebody – we respect them for years – and then suddenly come to hate them, without first knowing why. And we find it quite intolerable that this person, whom for so long we respected and perhaps even loved, who as it we...


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