《Season of Storms》简介:

Geralt of Rivia. A witcher whose mission is to protect ordinary people from the monsters created with magic. A mutant who has the task of killing unnatural beings. He uses a magical sign, potions and the pride of every witcher — two swords, steel and silver. But what would happen if Geralt lost his weapons?

In this standalone novel, Geralt fights, travels and loves again, Dandelion sings and flies from trouble to trouble, sorcerers are scheming … and across the whole world clouds are gathering – the season of storms is coming…

《Season of Storms》摘录:

“我刚才很紧张,"厄达瑞·巴赫在三人离开以后说,"该死,我的手还在抖。你呢?” “我没有,"杰洛特笑着回忆道,“我在那方面...有点缺陷。 “那挺好的,”矮人咧嘴一笑,“有些人连缺陷都是好的。再来一杯?