


  春游的英语日记 1

  Today is a beautiful day, the school organized us to go to fengle ecological garden spring outing.

  Because it is a spring outing with my classmates and teachers, my mood is not to mention how happy. The first night, I let my mother to help me prepare a lot of delicious snacks, mother said cant eat so much, mom where she know, these delicious but I want to share with classmates.

  The school bus took us straight to our destination. As soon as I got off the bus, I saw the big words “fengle ecological park”. The fengle ecological garden is actually the botanical garden. The flowers and trees in this garden are unique and unique. They are rare in our daily life. Please follow me.

  The first thing we got into was the tropical storm zone. Once inside, the giant cactus caught my eye, the big cactus! Ive never seen one before. Because of its special, I did not care to visit other scenery. Then we arrived at the melon and fruit picking garden, the strangest of all was the head melon, mouse melon and snake gourd. They have a very strange shape. Nature is amazing, how can you make such a strange fruit? Finally we went to the glittering beach, boundless, magnificent! The shimmering surface of the lake was dazzling. Students play sand, by the lake to wash their hands washed their feet, and some in the singing, some with their good friend share the food, the students are feeling the beautiful in different ways.

  In order to keep the good, to keep us together through the years, the teacher gave us a group photo. At last we drifted away in the song.

  春游的英语日记 2

  The spring outing which I am looking forward to today is coming.

  In the morning, the sky was overcast, but the students came to the school excitedly. This spring outing, we are going to hangzhou flower bed. Now its spring, and its a good time to go to the flowerbeds.

  When we got to the flower bed, we arranged the team excitedly and began to visit. We see a lot of flowers, I look left, right look, how can not see enough, these flowers are very attractive! I dont know the pink of the name, the big flowers, they are bright and fragrant, and they bring the busy little bee to attract the honey. There are deep lakes, big trees, green grass, and these scenes make up a beautiful picture.

  We found the place, put down the books, and Shared the delicious food we had prepared. After eating, everyone began to play games together, actually I didnt play at all, because teacher Lin gave me a task — taking pictures. I took the sweet and delicate flowers, lively and lovely classmates, affable teachers and so on. I felt I had enough to play the game.

  We have enough to eat, play enough, the teacher took us to the gate again that its petals small pond to play, I play with YuJiWen “ship”, because the time is not enough, no winner at last.

  At noon, the sun came out, and the warm sun was shining on us, but when it was time to go back to school, we had to leave the garden of the spring garden.

  春游的英语日记 3

  Tomorrow is my happiest day. As I was going to the west end park, I went to bed with excitement. The next morning, I arrived at the school early and saw that the students were chattering about the spring outing. The whole classroom was filled with a happy atmosphere.

  Walking in the west side park lane, I was filled with excitement and excitement. Talking to the students, humming a tune, and soon to the western park. We clustered together to share our food.

  After eating the food, I came to the grass. Seeing the little grass brother wake up from a dream, they are dressed in green clothes, stretching their young body. The flowers spread out two or three petals, like a shy little girl; Some petals spread out, blooming with a bright smile. Still have the flowers and bones, full of swelling will burst. The bamboo shoots come out from under the ground, and they cant wait to find out the sharp heads and enjoy the beautiful scenery. The bride is taking wedding photos on the green grass, adding a lot of beauty to the west end park.

  On my way back to school, I thought I had a really fast day. Suddenly I felt thirsty and wanted to drink some water. After I drank the water, the cup was held in my hand. After a while, I touched my bag. Oh, wheres my water cup? Its too bad. Maybe the water cup was taken away or dropped on the road. “I thought nervously. Soon, I have something in my hand, I look down, ah! Isnt this the water cup I lost? Well, am I getting amnesia? It was a real surprise. I was secretly happy.

  This spring outing is really interesting, this is my happiest day!

  春游的英语日记 4

  Spring in March, spring is bright, it is the good season of spring outing. We were basking in the sunshine, and we flocked to the forest park for the spring outing. We sang and laughed and laughed.

  Look, came to the forest park, the distance hills, ups and downs, a series of spring scenery is thick, the trees are wearing green, covered with spring scenery, happy and to meet the long spring breeze, pian-pian dancing out the beautiful image of dancing. The path of a stone path twists and turns, spiraling up and down like a dragon dancing in the mountains. A beautiful picture was formed against the blue sky.

  Entering the forest park, a fresh air of air head on, making people relaxed and happy. On the lawn, the grass had already crept out of the ground, and looked at it, looking like a green carpet. In the lawn, the gardener planted many trees. Especially like the small poplar trees on both sides, they hold their heads high, like a soldier in the army. The new leaf of poplar is round, and the front end points out a small tip, which looks like a green peach. The mountains are covered with wild flowers, the eyes of the people, clusters of clusters, a cluster of stars, stretching continuously, like a colorful carpet. In the center of the park, there is also a small house, which is unique for visitors to relax, drink tea and chat. Surrounded by strange flowers, colors, or white as jade, or yellow as silk, or purple light can be learned, or flaming red. Here, it is an idle pleasure.

  We ascended the steps of the stone steps. Walking on the mountain road, the whole body is surrounded by green trees, especially elegant and quiet, as if in a green fairy tale world. From time to time a few birds chirped in the forest. Here we can get away from the noise of the city and get rid of all the worries.

  A forest park, a quiet park, a vibrant park, a park that brings happiness to peoples lives.

  春游的英语日记 5

  Today, the sun is shining brightly and the school organizes us to go on a spring outing. Starting at eight o clock, everyone got on the bus, and the students were talking excitedly about it. It took an hour to get to yongji ecological park.

  Everyone got off the bus, followed the guide to go in, wow, saw a flower of the sea, all kinds of flowers blooming all purple, emitting a fragrance of fragrance.

  Go ahead, we see a mini golf course, where the grass green, the tour guide took us straight on the road, after the conference center, the four seasons on the roadside saw mauve flowers, pink flowers, leaves like a fish tail kwai and pink azaleas, they also nod and smile to welcome us to us?

  Come to strawberry garden, but only green seedlings, no red strawberries. The guide took us to catch fish, everyone took off their shoes and ran in to catch fish, some of them caught loach and tadpoles.

  After the plum garden to the childrens paradise, it was fun, we played the swing, the slide. Then we came to a meadow for lunch, took a rest, and continued to climb the hill, and saw red, green, and a large purple lavender.

  Liu xuyang, zhang ziyi, CAI qianxun and I went through the maze, haha… The four of us went from the exit to the entrance.

  We went to see colorful red pepper and pumpkin. I also visited the green gift shop.

  After a short rest in times square, we left the yongji ecological park reluctantly.

  春游的英语日记 6

  Today is our most happy day, because today our school organizes students to go to spring outing. The place where we go today is the yuhuatai martyr memorial.

  At 8:30 in the morning, we came here, and we went first to the martyrs memorial. There are soldiers who died in it, and the heads of the great revolutionaries. When we see a video, there is a warm current in the heart. Because the scene is so moving, there is a female warrior was caught by the enemy, the enemy to tell her the eighth route army intelligence, but the woman always dont say, no matter is whipping her enemy, or use fire to her, she had to surrender, until he killed by the enemy with the sword.

  After reviewing the moving martyrs memorial hall, we went to the playground and played a lot of projects. We played the coyote, and it was so horrible, so dark, that it was as if it had come to the devils world, into the devils house, and began to take risks. Then we watched the 4D movie in the dinosaur world, where it seemed to be right in front of you, playing with the flying dragon and so on.

  Todays spring outing is really funny!

  春游的英语日记 7

  Today, we can finally get what we want — a spring outing! You take your bags of snacks and set out to the south cave art valley.

  Arriving at the destination, the students got off the bus and were attracted by the colorful and colorful murals on the walls of the south cave houses. The artists drawing skill and inventive composition have been praised by everyone. The south cave is indeed the name of the “international murals village”.

  Later, we went to the “merit” train park. The train was like a long dragon lying on the long track, which aroused great interest among the students. Students take pictures of the train, the more daring some classmates are afraid on the train, want to have a look at what is in the train…… after visiting the train, well find a place to eat lunch.

  After lunch, we went to visit the art gallery. The work is so dazzling that we cant see it. Where there is a supermarket, students can choose their favorite souvenirs there.

  This spring outing let us walk into nature, not only let us touch the beautiful rural scenery, but also feel the spring atmosphere, really kill two birds.

  春游的英语日记 8

  Today, the sun is shining and the spring wind is blowing. We went hiking in the park under the guidance of our teacher. Along the way, flowers smile to us, grass to dance for us, small trees bow to us, they seem to welcome our small guests! We followed the teacher happily.

  In the spring, there is a lively scene everywhere. The grass crept out of the ground, tender, green, and large and full of eyes. The wind is gentle and the grass is soft. The willow girl stood by the river, washing her hair. The wind was blowing gently, with long hair flowing in the wind. Red, white and pink peach flowers complement each other, interlaced, appear to be beautiful.

  An amusement park is a world of children, a sea of joy. There are pirate ships, and tall ferris wheels… The most thrilling, exciting and fun is bungee jumping. The whole man was flying up and down in the air, feeling like he had come into space.

  春游的英语日记 9

  The school organized a spring outing on Sunday. Its sunny, its a nice sunny day. I had breakfast in the morning and went to school with a bag of food in my back.

  I had some breakfast in the classroom and I couldnt wait to go immediately. After a while, we took the school bus to the spring trip.

  I play a lot of projects have catch a goldfish. Ship hand… On…! what impressed me most is that when I sit on a bouncing ball with hard, accidentally hit the wall, “Ouch! Ouch! I touched the head, unexpectedly hit a big bag. But I soon forget the pain, continue to play the game, we all have a lot of fun, and sweating.

  We went on a picnic together at noon. This years spring outing was just a lot of fun.

  春游的英语日记 10


  Today, Im very happy. Do you know why? Let me tell you, because we are going to have a spring outing the day after tomorrow, and we already know how much we have to pay. Do you know? Let me tell you, we have to pay 65 yuan. I know the place to go, but I forgot. But Huang Ruikang said that the place is his hometown. Im surprised, and Huang Ruikang is also surprised. Surprised but happy. Because the day after tomorrow will be spring outing.


  Are you happy?

  春游的英语日记 11

  The summer vacation is coming soon. I am going to the countryside for spring outing with my classmates. On the camping trip for two or three days, I will take the pot and rice bowl, take the rice, and cook for myself and my classmates.

  What a beautiful view of the countryside! Smell the fragrance of flowers, pitch a tent on the grass, sleep in the tent at night, feel comfortable, take a walk in the country in the morning, come back and bake with your classmates, very cool, dont you think? I play poker with my classmates at night, and then go back to my tent to sleep. Thats good.

  Its the best thing that I can do alone with my classmates and live alone without adults.

  春游的英语日记 12

  Spring has come, the sea of flowers everywhere, road on both sides of the cherry blossoms and spring flowers, Magnolia hill is open, white, yellow, purple, all over the mountains and plains, extremely beautiful. Willow willow wearing a green spring clothes, dancing in the wind.

  春天来了,到处都是花 的海洋,道路两边的樱花和迎春花开放了,山上的玉兰花也开放了,有白的`・黄的・紫色的・满山遍野美丽极了。柳树上的柳枝穿上绿色的春衣,随风舞动。

  Today we went to the sandy Chilin fish base. See pool Chilin fish swimming happily in, mountain scenery beautiful scenery, spring, let people feel happy, spring is the season of recovery in all things, I like spring ah!


  春游的英语日记 13

  Today the school organized us to the east lake spring outing.

  On the way I look out the window, wow! The scenery of east lake is so beautiful! The sun is shining brightly, the spring is blossoming, the willow tree smiles bent, the grass green oil, the flowers are red, seems to welcome our arrival.

  In the east lake, I played a lot of fun games, including catching fish, rowing, playing amusement parks, and jumping and jumping… Everybody had a good time.

  It was time for lunch. I spread the cloth over the grass and began to have lunch. I brought a thousand layers of cake, and the students wanted to have a taste. After lunch we took the bus back to school, and as a result of the hard work, I fell asleep as soon as I got on the bus.

  What a wonderful day!

  春游的英语日记 14

  盼星星,盼月亮终于盼到去天目湖春游啦!同学们在路上有说有笑,有吃有喝,一路上兴高采烈。 一到景色优美的天目湖,我完全被眼前的景色给深深地吸引住了:远处,一座座高山挨挨挤挤、连绵起伏,在攀比着,连绵起伏的高山上还有一棵棵生机勃勃的’大树,金黄的迎春花,粉红的桃花,雪白的梨花,还有几户人家,这美丽的景色构成了一幅美丽的图画。

  Looking forward to the stars, looking forward to the moon finally looking forward to the spring outing to Tianmu Lake! On the way, the students talked and laughed, ate and drank, and were in high spirits all the way. As soon as I arrived at the beautiful Tianmu Lake, I was totally attracted by the scenery in front of me: in the distance, mountains were crowded and rolling. In comparison, on the rolling mountains, there were vigorous trees, golden jasmine flowers, pink peach flowers, white pear flowers, and several families. The beautiful scenery constituted a beautiful picture.

  春游的英语日记 15

  When spring comes, the willow trees have sprouted, the grass is green, and the flowers are open.

  Our school has organized a spring outing. I got up early that day and came to school happily. We set up in line, the car started, and in a little while, we went to the eyes of the spring outing, the cuckoo valley.

  In the cuckoo Valley, we saw a big lawn, and then we began to play games and eat food. We have a group of a group play releasing Juan, playing chicken, and a group of play cut watermelon, very fun! Whats more interesting is that some of our classmates are rolling on the grass, eating snacks when they are tired, or resting on the lawn.

  The time passed quickly, and soon at noon, we left the cuckoo Valley in reluctance. This spring outing really made me feel happy and happy.

  春游的英语日记 16

  My parents took me to the botanical garden on Sunday.

  The main gate of the botanical garden is the arched caterpillar, which looks very lovely.

  The botanical garden in spring is full of flowers and trees, all kinds of flowers are blooming, and the scent of flowers makes people feel very comfortable. There is a big lawn in the botanical garden, there are many people on the big lawn, some of them are flying kites, some are playing football, some are feeding pigeons… There is also a beautiful lake in the botanical garden. The lake is clear to the bottom. There are people who enjoy the cool of the lake. There are many interesting things in the botanical garden: swing, suspension bridge, bungee jumping… I love to play.

  The botanical garden is beautiful!

  春游的英语日记 17

  With the pace of spring, we have an annual spring outing.

  This spring tour is different from usual, but this time we go to the lake.

  Not long after, the team started, first car to the lake, and then cross the road, the side is a mighty tall building, endless, not for a while, we went to a meadow, we eat, here is the energy, some students also play the tear famous in the sun, the grass, a tear famous war triggered at any moment……

  After a short rest, we went to the exit of the forest path, this road is really beautiful! On both sides of the road are dense grass, and the sun is hard to pass through the trees. There are also tall trees, like a group of soldiers, who are holding their posts. Sometimes, some of them are passing by bicycles. What a beautiful picture it is!

  Soon the spring outing was finished, I sat in the car back to the school, my heart and unable to part! After this, I have a deep impression of the Spirit Lake.

  春游的英语日记 18

  Today, the sun is shining and the spring wind is blowing. We went hiking in the park under the guidance of our teacher. Along the way, flowers smile to us, grass to dance for us, small trees bow to us, they seem to welcome our small guests! We followed the teacher happily.

  In the spring, there is a lively scene everywhere. The grass crept out of the ground, tender, green, and large and full of eyes. The wind is gentle and the grass is soft. The willow girl stood by the river, washing her hair. The wind was blowing gently, with long hair flowing in the wind. Red, white and pink peach flowers complement each other, interlaced, appear to be beautiful.

  An amusement park is a world of children, a sea of joy. There are pirate ships, and tall ferris wheels… The most thrilling, exciting and fun is bungee jumping. The whole man was flying up and down in the air, feeling like he had come into space.

  春游的英语日记 19

  Today, the school organizes us to go to the spring tour of the lake. On the way, I couldnt restrain my heart, and I was curious to look out of the window. I saw the flowers nodding to me with a smile, and the birds sang to me joyfully. From time to time there was a faint scent of light in the breeze, which made me feel particularly comfortable.

  Unwittingly, the car has come to the lake. The students were in front of the scenery deeply attracted, wearing a light green grass coat, flowers blooming, willow stretch a beautiful posture, I can not wait to find a good position in the best of spirits out bring their own delicacy: jelly, potato chips, cookies, drinks…… Get ready to eat a big meal. Everyone was eating while they were busy. Laughter echoed in the Spirit Lake. I can not help but sigh: spring is really a beautiful angel, she brings us happy, happy.

  Beautiful time is always short, we have to leave, this is really a beautiful spirit Lake ah!

  春游的英语日记 20

  Today, I come to the spring tour of the lake.

  I have never seen a spirit into the lake, the scenery Pumianerlai, new ground on both sides of a piece of grass and trees add a root water floating green, clear lake water, the lake is divided into different areas, water fish in their respective territory happy swimming, go on with mossy stone, stone fence on both sides of the stone is an old true to life, works of art, through the bridge, the road on both sides of the tree is also up, there is a kind of fruit tree, is oval, with a bunch of sharp spines, spines and a small end it may be the seed ball.

  We went to the destination and ate. After the meeting, I played. I saw Zheng Yihangs boring look and said, “dont you play the remote control helicopter?” As soon as he heard it was right, he found no electricity. Were full and were ready to go home.

  It was a happy spring outing.

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