《Don't Waste Your Life》简介:

Most people slip by in life without a passion for God, spending their lives on trivial diversions, living for comfort and pleasure… and perhaps trying to avoid sin. Yet as John Piper teaches in this DVD and its companion materials, God has designed us for far more than this. We just have to awaken to the simple, biblical reality that "to live is Christ, and to die is gain." This valuable resource-part of the redesigned Don't Waste Your Life Group Study Kit-can assist churches, small groups, and teachers in that task.

Designed to be used in a ten-session, guided group study along with the companion components in the kit, each fifteen-minute DVD presentation explores the meaning and significance of making one's life count for eternity. Piper's rich teaching is a useful tool any leader or facilitator can use to direct members' understanding and guide them to treasure Christ above all.

《Don't Waste Your Life》摘录:

真正在世上有持续影响的人不是那些掌握了许多技能的人,而是那些被那一件伟大的事物所掌握的人。 你或许会问:“我该怎样将这事实与自己联系起来?这如何才能成为我自己的经历?我怎样才能在死去的同时又与基督同活,成为得见并得尝基督的生命且成为传播十字架荣耀的人?”问题的答案就藏在经文中的信字里面。“我如今在肉身活着,是因信上帝的儿子而活。”这是联系的关键。

《Don't Waste Your Life》目录:

Preface: For Christians and Non-Christians 9
1 My Search for a Single Passion to Live By 11
2 Breakthrough-the Beauty of Christ, My Joy 23
3 Boasting Only in the Cross, The Blazing Center of the Glory of God 43
4 Magnifying Christ Through Pain and Death 61
5 Risk Is Right-Better to Lose Your Life Than to Waste It 79
6 The Goal of Life-Gladly Making Others Glad in God 99
7 Living to Prove He Is More Precious Than Life 107
8 Making Much of Christ from 8 to 5 131
9 The Majesty of Christ in Missions and Mercy-A Plea to This Generation 155
10 My Prayer-Let None Say in the End, "I've Wasted It" 183
Desiring God Ministries 191
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